UV Mapping for Parquet Panels

Each polygon of the parquet panel will have its own unique UV mapping. When Adjust UVs is disabled, the mapping size will always match the largest panel element.
Enabling Adjust UVs allows you to modify the mapping proportions based on the dimensions of the texture file being used. You can manually adjust the U and V parameters or use the Bitmap Fit button to automatically set the proportions. By selecting a texture file, the plugin calculates the image's aspect ratio (W/H) and sets the U parameter accordingly.
To avoid texture tiling, it is recommended to keep the V parameter at its default value of 1.0.
Important: Texture files should always have their longer side oriented horizontally, as illustrated below.

Specifies which mapping channel should be used.
Random SeedDefines the seed number for the random generator used by all parameters that rely on randomness. Using the same seed will produce the same random results.
Flip URandomly flips the UV mapping along the U-axis for random faces.
Flip VRandomly flips the UV mapping along the V-axis for random faces.