4000+ top quality materials for your 3D projects
Pre-built Material Presets are included only into
XSMP Professional and Studio editions.
All our materials have been tested by professionals on real projects and were highly appreciated. Each material has been meticulously designed to allow professionals and newcomers alike the ability to produce stunning imagery with ease.
The materials have also been expertly optimized for both speed and quality.
We take the guess work out of creating superb looking materials, leaving you to focus on the more important parts of your project.
The library of the superior quality materials for Chaos V-Ray is included in PRO V-Ray and STUDIO editions.
The library of the superior quality materials for Chaos Corona is included in PRO Corona and STUDIO editions.
The library of the superior quality materials for Maxon Redshift is included in PRO Redshift and STUDIO editions.
Well Organized
For a faster and more efficient way of browsing materials presets, XSMP Pre-built Library Manager has the convenient features of showing you all materials contained in a categories and subcategories.
Each material has its own high-quality preview image, which can be enlarged.
Convenient filtering and search in the selected subcategory or in library.
Each category and material has its own description, indicating the area covered by the texture in real units (centimeters and inches).
Materials with bitmap textures can be used in standard mapping or Real-World units.
And much more...
Our textures are created and edited by hand and custom-built software / hardware to ensure that all textures are perfectly seamless when applied in your work, whatever your field. Many further steps are necessary to remove perspective distortion, correct lighting and to eliminate the seams.
We produce and offer only high-res textures (no point to offer low-res textures (we consider everything below 3000px x 3000px as low-res)).
We continuously work on new techniques to perfect our workflow and to maximize the quality of our products.
Only high-quality textures (4K and above) are used.
The bitmap textures are stored in one directory to ensure that maps are found when materials are loaded.
Textures can be shared between XSMP instances and/or network machines. Each rendering engine library uses the same texture directory and maps.